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2020 Stefan Vetter Sylvaner Steinterrassen Sandstein
2020 Stefan Vetter Sylvaner Steinterrassen Sandstein

2020 Stefan Vetter Sylvaner Steinterrassen Sandstein


Sylvaner at its best. The 2020 “Sandstein” is sourced from older vines from within the stone terraces, which winemaker Stefan Vetter works completely by hand.

There are ultra-fine shavings of white grapefruit and mandarin orange, leaning into menthol, lemon thyme and mint. While the wine is absurdly delicate (bone dry and only 9.5%) it is focused and linear. 

Vetter’s technique is worth noting, as it’s unique. The grapes are whole-cluster pressed without any maceration or crushing and put directly into old/neutral barrels. The wine is topped up while in barrel, but not sulfured. The wines are normally racked only once and then bottled unfined and unfiltered with lower SO2.

Sylvaner / Practicing Organic



Vom Boden